Thursday, May 27, 2010

The San Diego Hip-Hop Hustle Interviews MoneyFirst First of all you guys have one of the illest sites I ever seen, who designed it?

MoneyFirst: Mike Berry! The music and radio industry can be tough on artists these days. How has it treated you guys so far?

MoneyFirst: As far as the music industry, it is coming along well. We are now focusing on the business aspect of the industry instead of only making the music. As for radio we are currently promoting our new single to all local and internet radio stations, which thus far has been a success. How’d you come up with the name "MoneyFirst"?

MoneyFirst: It was always a business motto I always lived by so I thought I should make that the name of my company. Is MoneyFirst a rap group or a record label?

MoneyFirst: Both. MoneyFirst is the label but when we do music together we are MoneyFirst. We are all solo artist who work together. For those who don’t know, who’s all on the roster?

MoneyFirst: The MoneyFirst roster is Mike Berry artist and CEO, Yung Fresh artist, Dre.Trav artist, Ez P. Bagz artist and marketing guru, and James Wilson artist and producer.  How did you all meet?

MoneyFirst: We all were mutual friends thru out high school and all lived around the same area. How would you describe your music to those who never heard it?

MoneyFirst: Free and out spoken. Music to keep you Money motivated. We say anything and everything we feel. What do you bring to the table that’s missing in the rap game these days?

MoneyFirst: Creativity, Originality, Fun, shock value, and a permanent live style (MoneyFirst). What do you all hope to accomplish throughout your careers?

MoneyFirst: Longevity! What should fans expect from MoneyFirst in the future?

MoneyFirst: Everything! We plan on taking over the music industry by revolutionizing the way music is created, marketed, and distributed. Do you have any last words for the readers and supports of MoneyFirst?

MoneyFirst: We appreciate the love and support. And always remember, when it comes down to it its always MoneyFirst! Yup! Log On!

MoneyFirst - "Wanna Get MoneyFirst"

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